Friday 23 February 2007

We Are The Champions (Oh Yes We Are!!!!)

Well where do i start with last night rehearsal!! It was AMAZING! The gang are doing us all proud, and themselves of course.

We started the evening running through the closing number "We go together" bit rusty but most people had remembered the dance so well done, then we moved onto the opening number " Be Our Guest" which was half done and mostly remembered. Then Dance Queen 2 promptly finished the dance off, which is simple but very effective!! Well done.

Whilst all this dancing was going on, i was running in and out of different rooms, Miss MD was in Room 2 (who i might add had also spent 3 hours at A + E that day) doing some of the solo singing, i went in and listened to the solo singing for Be Our Guest, Wow is all i can say, the girl who is singing the song was in our last production "Dick Whittington" (Me and Miss MD were in it as well but more another time on that!). She has come on in leaps and bounds, during Panto she would not have said boo to a goose and was so quiet when she sang i thought she was miming at one point!!! I stood there and listened with amazement, So this young lady will be called " Little Voice" for the purpose of the blog.

Also in the room was a young man who for this we will call "Luminere" the french accent was spot on and he had learn't his words also, plus a really powerful voice that will shine in the "we will rock you" segue of the show. Really well done mate, a lot more to come from you i think.

Throughout the evening we had Wardrobe Mistress pulling people out to try costumes on and then handing them to "Wardrobe Assistant" with the alterations needed, must point out at this stage as well that "Wardrobe Assistant" is actually my better half, and as with many couples at CAST that is where we met!!! Also pulling people out was Dance Queen 1 to do "A whole new world" with "Tommy the Cat" and "Chelsea Boy" which is now finished woo hoo, so a really busy night really.

After all of this we even had chance at the end to start "We Are The Champions" singing there hearts out they were (So were all the adults as well... We are queen lovers!!!! Ask Wardrobe Mistress). This song will be led by "Luminere" and "Scarf Man" as he always has one on!! They will do a grand job of it and then the whole company come in and blow the roof off, i am loving this show at the moment and i think the kids are also.

Thank you to everyone involved so far on and off the stage, i know when this show goes on it will be fantastic and you have all helped create this, so on that note i shall bid farewell and just say keep it up and see you next week.

Thought of the Day:

We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
We are the champions
Of the world. (Oh yes we are!!!!)

Friday 16 February 2007

Opening Number

If any member of the general populas had walked into Colnbrook Village Hall at 7.45 last night they would have been greeted by the resounding sound of a 'top G' been screamed at the top of 25 or so very enthusiastic voices (- and according to Barman K one cat - but we generally ignore him when he's being grumpy!!)

Delving further into the matter - it would soon become apparent that the members of Cast Academy had been in the process of learning their opening number.

Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast is said song - it was a no brainer to choose really as it expresses everything that the production team and academy members are hoping to acheive - to welcome the audiences to the show, and to the lives of the characters and to a generally stonking night!! Having said that it is also one of my favourite songs - but the less said about that the better!!

The choreography for this song is already looking fantastic and although there were groans everytime Must Be Mad said 'and again' i think everyone understands the benefit of going over and over something to get it perfect - and in all honesty guys it was worth it - the moves look really awesome!

It always amazes me how youngsters have the knack of being noisy when they're not meant to be ie when they were being taught the dance for the song!!! lol - but as soon as you give them free range nothing escapes but short whisps of breathiness. Must Be Mad resolved this issue by having a volume competition which worked but the thought of lighting up a light above where the sound booth usually sits if there is enough noise seemed to catch the imagination of not only the academy members but one certain Miss MD. It was just unfortunate that the light wasn't on!

Thought For The Day - 'so relax let us pull up a chair as the academy proudly present their show!'

Friday 9 February 2007


Well, last nights rehearsal went really well considering!!!!! We had 12 of the kids missing (10 we knew about) and then i had a call from Miss MD at about 4.30pm to say that despite her efforts to get out of her road the snow had won!!!!! The plan was actually start with some solo singing tonight (as there are 26 songs) and also get the kids to do some choreography of there own. It ended up being just the latter.........

I split them down into two groups of 10 and sent them off with Dance Queen 1 & 2 to start to put a dance routine together that they would perform at the end of the rehearsal. I must say that they all did extremely well and did me proud, some of the parents and members of CAST were around to see them perform as well which was good. Wardrobe Mistress was sat at the back of the hall after getting a few kids to try on costumes sewing away and making costumes (What would we do without her)!!!

I then had a meeting straight after rehearsal with Dance Queen 1 & 2 to sort out who is going to choreograph what!!! They have 12 songs each.... and wait for it................... Must be Mad (thats me) is choreographing two as well!!!! (hopelessly devoted to you and Hakuna Matata!!!) i can't wait. Also had a chat with "previous director" who i will call "Technoman" about another show that i am doing "The Rat Pack Cabaret night" in June and that is going to be awesome!!!!!

Anyway i'm off to Russia so "Moscow" ha ha!!! (Soccer AM) Check back soon for more updates.

Thought of the day: What a feeling,
bein's believin'
I can't have it all,
now I'm dancin' for my life
Take your passion,
and make it happen
Pictures come alive,
you can dance right through your life

Irene Cara - Flashdance!!

Friday 2 February 2007


Just remembered - a couple of the girls tried their costumes on and they looked awesome - Miss Paperwork, Must Be Mad, Wardrobe Mistress and Myself promptly got very excited about the whole thing! There were big smiles all round - although I'm not sure how much of the girls was embarrassment at having 4 adults get excited over costumes!!


To add to the confusion

Must Be Mad has invited me to post blogs as and when - this is not necessarily a good idea seeing as I struggle loads with technology! (PS in the allaboutdeath blogspot I'm also known as Keli)

The gang were all fantastic last night! I've sent them off this week to learn the vocal lib in We Go Together - you know the one - rama lama lama etc etc. Using the time as a good excuse to learn it myself! Funny - I never really got into Grease - was more of a Fred and Ginger fanatic.

Oh well there are worse things I could do!! get it?!!!! ;-) LOL

Personal motto for the day - 'just say no!'

Thought for the day - 'Everybody want's to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at!

Blog Names Update!!

Sorry had to add that previous producer (Allaboutdeath)!!! Will for this blog be Wardrobe Mistress!!!!

This may get confusing as there is more to add yet!!!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!

Join the Bloggers

Well here we are!!!! The first of probably many logs over the next few months...... I have called myself Must be Mad for this one as when you undertake setting up a Youth Academy thats what you must be, especially with 32 members all under 16.....

There is a team of 4 leaders, myself, Miss MD, Miss Paperwork and Mr Finance, we also have a number of helpers as well whom you shall meet throughout the coming months.

Last nights Rehearsal was to finish off the Grease Number "We Go Together" which will be our finale and they did us proud dancing and singing extremely well. Miss MD seemed to be really pleased and so was Dance Queen 1 who cheorograped the dance (assisted by myself of course!!!). Next week we have about 10 kids missing so we will be doing some solo singing, which is desperatly needed, (after all there is 26 songs in the show) ranging from Grease to Disney, something for everyone. Plus getting the remaining kids to do some of there own dance routines overlooked by Dance Queen 1 & 2 (Yes we have 2!!!)

Anyway you will see it all unfold before your very eyes, the highs the lows and the in between bits of course. This is all started due to previous producer (As she is named in allaboutdeath) as she wrote the first blog (allaboutdick) and i have carried it on from producer (allaboutdeath) where my name is actually Producer Geezer but now i am Must be Mad as well!!!!!..... Confused yet?? So i am i.

Thought of the day - Hakuna Matata!What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Lion King Song!!!