Friday 16 February 2007

Opening Number

If any member of the general populas had walked into Colnbrook Village Hall at 7.45 last night they would have been greeted by the resounding sound of a 'top G' been screamed at the top of 25 or so very enthusiastic voices (- and according to Barman K one cat - but we generally ignore him when he's being grumpy!!)

Delving further into the matter - it would soon become apparent that the members of Cast Academy had been in the process of learning their opening number.

Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast is said song - it was a no brainer to choose really as it expresses everything that the production team and academy members are hoping to acheive - to welcome the audiences to the show, and to the lives of the characters and to a generally stonking night!! Having said that it is also one of my favourite songs - but the less said about that the better!!

The choreography for this song is already looking fantastic and although there were groans everytime Must Be Mad said 'and again' i think everyone understands the benefit of going over and over something to get it perfect - and in all honesty guys it was worth it - the moves look really awesome!

It always amazes me how youngsters have the knack of being noisy when they're not meant to be ie when they were being taught the dance for the song!!! lol - but as soon as you give them free range nothing escapes but short whisps of breathiness. Must Be Mad resolved this issue by having a volume competition which worked but the thought of lighting up a light above where the sound booth usually sits if there is enough noise seemed to catch the imagination of not only the academy members but one certain Miss MD. It was just unfortunate that the light wasn't on!

Thought For The Day - 'so relax let us pull up a chair as the academy proudly present their show!'

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