Friday 2 February 2007

Join the Bloggers

Well here we are!!!! The first of probably many logs over the next few months...... I have called myself Must be Mad for this one as when you undertake setting up a Youth Academy thats what you must be, especially with 32 members all under 16.....

There is a team of 4 leaders, myself, Miss MD, Miss Paperwork and Mr Finance, we also have a number of helpers as well whom you shall meet throughout the coming months.

Last nights Rehearsal was to finish off the Grease Number "We Go Together" which will be our finale and they did us proud dancing and singing extremely well. Miss MD seemed to be really pleased and so was Dance Queen 1 who cheorograped the dance (assisted by myself of course!!!). Next week we have about 10 kids missing so we will be doing some solo singing, which is desperatly needed, (after all there is 26 songs in the show) ranging from Grease to Disney, something for everyone. Plus getting the remaining kids to do some of there own dance routines overlooked by Dance Queen 1 & 2 (Yes we have 2!!!)

Anyway you will see it all unfold before your very eyes, the highs the lows and the in between bits of course. This is all started due to previous producer (As she is named in allaboutdeath) as she wrote the first blog (allaboutdick) and i have carried it on from producer (allaboutdeath) where my name is actually Producer Geezer but now i am Must be Mad as well!!!!!..... Confused yet?? So i am i.

Thought of the day - Hakuna Matata!What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Lion King Song!!!

1 comment:

Miss ??? said...

Miss Paperwork does not like that name please chose a more appropriate one as that is not all she does.