Friday 16 March 2007

Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest

Firstly can i apologise for not updating the blog as i have been that busy just not had the chance to do it....... but here we go, three weeks in one update!!!!

Well what have we been up to.. Lots of progress has been made over the last few weeks, Miss MD has been working tirelessly in room 2 trying to get all the singing run through at least once by the end of March and then we have had Dance queens 1 & 2 splitting between the main hall and Room 1 working on some of the smaller numbers choreography plus the solo stuff and we are more than half way there now!!!!!

Last week on the 8th March we were training the youngsters on voice projection and also singing with volume but also control. At the back of the hall there is a large yellow light which is actually noise sensitive and when a certain volume is reached the light will come on.... well the kids did not believe me... so...... The adults decided to prove a point.... There were only 7 adults to 32 kids so on went We are the Champions, it took a little while but there it was glowing brightly at the back whilst the 7 adults sang and the 32 kids watched. Now there turn...... I was really pleased and proud of them all as they managed to get the light on, so it just proved that it could be done and they have not looked back since.

Last night was fantastic, following our production meeting from a few weeks ago Wardrobe Mistress had actually come across some masks that did not cover the mouth that we could use for the Lion King and Jungle book sections. see for more info on them. Well they arrived last night and all the adults promptly popped them on there heads, the kids just thought we were mad!!!! They are fab and a great find so thanks go to WM.

Currently the main group is rehearsing for there spring play MORT so the stage extension was up last night which i used fora couple of numbers. The highlight of the night for me was when "A whole new world" was sang by "Tommy the Cat" and Chelsea boy. They are both around the 12 years old mark and showed great maturity in the song and i must say it gave me goosebumps so a really huge well done to the two of you.

We now do not have a rehearsal for two weeks as the main show is being performed, however when we return we will be concentrating on the group singing and finishing the group dances so wait and see the updates. One other thing to mention is that thanks to Treasurer we may even be able to get on the TV..... how exciting!!!!! So you never know we might get that big break yet!!!!

The last thing to say is that as of last night i think we had broken the 100 tickets sold mark so that is 1/4 of the show sold out, but keep them orders coming in guys, we have to sell this show out as it is our first!!!!!!

Anyway that is about it i think. Will try and update this twice a week now so you can see the ups and downs in writing. For the kids in the group that read this, i am really proud of you all and cannot wait to put this show on, you are all a pleasure to direct and hope you all stay on next term.... Just remember to concentrate, sing up and smile of course the rest will fall into place.

In the words of one my former directors " i love you all individually and as group" so keep it up.

Thought of the day:

Ma Chere, Mademoiselle,
it is with greatest pride and deepest pleasure that we welcome you here tonight,
and now we invite you to relax
lets us pull up a chair
as CAST Academy proudly presents
OUR SHOW!!!!!!!!

Be our Guest - Beauty and the Beast

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