Sunday 29 April 2007

Super Set Build

Well i must apologise for not updating the blog recently but have been taking notes and will do an update as soon as i get chance, but i had to write something about today!!!!

We arrived at the hall at 10am this morning with great enthusiasm and with 7 of the older members of the group there ready and waiting to Paint, Paint, Paint, the only problem was that they got more paint on each other than on the set to start with.

Miss Hannigan, Luminere, Scarf Boy, Little Voice, Sandy, Timone, and the Dancing queen junior were today like a blessing, they got on with everything that they were asked to do and we got a lot more done than i thought we ever would, only the stage extension to put up and paint the stage fronts!!!!

The most interesting part of todays set build was in between waiting for the paint to dry, where the 7 listed above created more volume singing the show song then we have heard in 5 months of rehearsal, so this means that they will be opening the rehearsal tomorrow evening!!!!!!!!

I really do want to say a huge well done and thank you to all of you, a really sterling effort today guys, let hope we get more of the same next Sunday.

See you all tomorrow night for a fantastic full run through with Microphones........


Lyric of the blog -

Theres no business
like show business

Like no business i know.................................

Annie get your gun!!!!

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