Monday 30 July 2007

The Cast!

Well guys n gals this weekend has been really, really difficult. Miss MD, Must be Mad and myself sat through the best part of Saturday trying to make sure that we cast the right people into the right roles whilst also trying to make sure that everyone had a part!

We finally finished, and we think (and hope) that everyone is going to be happy with our choices. Please try to understand that there are only so many parts and although alot of you auditioned for the same parts we had to try and cast whoever we felt would be best in the role based on auditions. Some of you mentioned that they thought that the show was pre-cast and that Miss MD, Must be Mad and myself had already chosen who we wanted for roles, let me assure you that this certainly was NOT the case and I think some you may be surprised!

I am very excited indeed about tonight and cannot wait to tell you all what roles you have. (I bribed Must be Mad so that I could be the one to tell you all!!)

New members:- As some of you know we have had a few members drop off recently and I am pleased to announce that we have approx 4-5 new members that will be joining us over the next few weeks. I know I dont have to ask you to make them feel welcome, just remember how you felt when you first started!!!

Well I best be off as I have lots of things to do for Wardrobe Mistress and I dont want to get in her bad books!

Until later.......

Hold your head up high
Like the most happy fella
While down below each thigh
Apropos a propeller
Must keep paddling like the clappers
You keep paddling with your flappers
While seeming to be dreaming and calm....................

Hold your head up high - HONK - George Stiles and Anthony Drewe

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Broken necks and trampolines!

Hello everyone!

Sorry I was not able to join you on Monday but received an injury to my neck whilst trying to be clever on a trampoline. Oooopps. Feeling much better now and looking forward to tomorrow and the auditions. The lyrics to the audition songs are now posted on the guestbook on the cast academy website, so there are no excuses!

We are also having a production meeting next week to try and start to get the ball rolling for Honk with the whole production team. So dont forget that we want your ideas too, if you think of something, however big or small PLEASE share them with us, you know how to contact us!

We have also decided to try something new which should open out our audiences to the hearing impaired. Two of my friends at work have agreed to come down and 'sign' the Panto and our show, this is something very exciting and will look very good on our profile as the academy! (Another thumbs up for us!)

Nominations are currently being received by the chairman, from the cast academy team for the student who has shown outstanding qualities since the beginning. The results will be announced tomorrow night and the winner will receive the Cast Academy Cup to hold for a year. (Unfortunately we are not allowed to nominate more than one student as I think you all deserve a medal!)

Oh well, I had better go..... I will see you all tomorrow!

This car is automatic
Its sytematic
Its hydromatic
Its Greased lightning!

Grease Soundtrack song.

Friday 13 July 2007

Dance the night away..............................

Well last night we were very short on people, but that was not too much of an issue as it was the dance workshop, which mean't the kids that did turn up got more attention from Dancing Queen!!!!!!

They started with a warm up to Erik Pryde's "Call on me" and then moved onto a Justin Timberlake number for the actually lesson. They all looked great from what i saw (Did not expect anything less!!!)

Miss MD, Co-director and myself actually locked ourselves in room 2 and did some work on the singing auditions, chelsea boy did a great job on his audition (He is away on Holiday for 2 weeks now!! lucky thing!!!!) Then we used a couple of other people as Guineau Pigs to see what the best songs for the auditions would be and we have got them sorted now so will be posted on the website soon for all to see.

Following on from the acting auditions and also last nights singing auditions we (The production team) have a got a huge job on our hands in decided who should play what part, you are all so good!!!!!! (Which i suppose is a good thing!!)

Anyway the kids have a week off now so that the main group can do there show next week, Miss MD, Co-Director and myself plus other members of the team are not so lucky as we are involved with the main show so will be there all week!!!! (Joy!!!!). I also have my parents visiting this weekend so it has been a manic cleaning frenzy. (I don't know girlfriends and mother in laws eh!!!!!)

Thought of the day:
I just wanna dance the night away
With senoritas who can sway
Right now tomorrow's lookin' bright
Just like the sunny mornin' light

I just wanna dance the night away
With senoritas who can sway
Right now tomorrow's lookin' bright
Just like the sunny mornin' light

Dance the night away - The Mavericks

Sunday 8 July 2007

Wow my first Blog........ please be kind!

Well! My first week and how nervous was I??????? VERY!!

Thank you to all of you, especially some of the kind comments I got as we all left, it made me feel much better and very welcome.

I am hoping (No...... I KNOW) that if we all pull together this show is gonna be FANTASTIC! You a an exceptionally talented bunch and with your talent and the team's know-how we are gonna BLOW their socks off!!!! Wooohooooo I can't wait.

I am so excited, I have been doing my homework and getting some super duper ideas! I want feather boas and sparkly suits and duck feet and......... oh my god the list goes on and on and I cant wait to share all my ideas with you.

Dont forget that we would really welcome any ideas that anyone has however big or small after all it is YOUR show and I think it would be really good to get some input from you lot!

We hope you enjoyed your first proper week back, the aim of the session was to try get you to understand about animal characteristics and NOT being animals. By the end of it I think you had pretty much got the idea although there were some very strange ducks, cats, chickens and frogs running around that hall at some points!! The other part of the session was just for us all to get re-aquainted and have a little fun..... after all, all work and no play is NO fun at all and I am a HUGE fan of FUN!!!!

By the way, all the audition pieces are now posted on the CAST Academy website so get on down there and choose your pieces..... dont be shy! We will be looking out for those characteristics that we practised this week in your auditions so brush them up and make them shine.

Thought of the day.........
'There's no business like show business like no business I know........'
Irving Berlin from Annie Get your Gun.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Well HONK it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello all and welcome back to the next edition of the CAST Academy blog. Last Thurs we all met back at Colnbrook Village Hall for our first session back, this to explain to both members and parents what will be happening with CA moving forward, which i think everybody bought into which is great, even the licenced chaperone's bit!!!! (Thanks parents).

We then moved onto discussing the options of which show we would be performing in Feb 2008, the options were "Summer Holiday" and "HONK!!!" both very good shows and a lot of fun, we put it to a vote and Honk came out on top at 15 votes to 12.

We have a fantastic 7 months ahead of us starting with an acting and stage etiquette this evening - I will also be privileged to have much of the same production team with me on this show. We have of course Miss MD, Wardrobe mistress, chairman, Miss Membership, and introducing a member of the old production team in a new role "Assistant wardrobe mistress" will now also be taking on the role of " Co - Director" and for me i cannot wait to get started on the rehearsals. I would also like to introduce a new member to the team and he will be "Producer" this role is to co ordinate with all the other people and work on the back room side of things including Set, advertising etc etc, so welcome on board "Producer".

Throughout July will be our audition and workshop process and we will be casting the show at the end of the month, that is when we will look at getting the rehearsals underway. There may be a bit of a break in August due to holidays etc but all systems will be go when we are back at school in September.

Anyway time to crack on, best of luck to everyone with the auditions and i will ensure the blog is updated on a regular basis.

Thought of the day:

It takes all sorts to make a world
On that point we are clear
It takes all sorts to make a world
But we don’t want them here
Our taste is good and liberal
Our views are well expressed
It takes all sorts to make a world
its just that our sort’s best!!!!