Monday 30 July 2007

The Cast!

Well guys n gals this weekend has been really, really difficult. Miss MD, Must be Mad and myself sat through the best part of Saturday trying to make sure that we cast the right people into the right roles whilst also trying to make sure that everyone had a part!

We finally finished, and we think (and hope) that everyone is going to be happy with our choices. Please try to understand that there are only so many parts and although alot of you auditioned for the same parts we had to try and cast whoever we felt would be best in the role based on auditions. Some of you mentioned that they thought that the show was pre-cast and that Miss MD, Must be Mad and myself had already chosen who we wanted for roles, let me assure you that this certainly was NOT the case and I think some you may be surprised!

I am very excited indeed about tonight and cannot wait to tell you all what roles you have. (I bribed Must be Mad so that I could be the one to tell you all!!)

New members:- As some of you know we have had a few members drop off recently and I am pleased to announce that we have approx 4-5 new members that will be joining us over the next few weeks. I know I dont have to ask you to make them feel welcome, just remember how you felt when you first started!!!

Well I best be off as I have lots of things to do for Wardrobe Mistress and I dont want to get in her bad books!

Until later.......

Hold your head up high
Like the most happy fella
While down below each thigh
Apropos a propeller
Must keep paddling like the clappers
You keep paddling with your flappers
While seeming to be dreaming and calm....................

Hold your head up high - HONK - George Stiles and Anthony Drewe

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