Wednesday 25 July 2007

Broken necks and trampolines!

Hello everyone!

Sorry I was not able to join you on Monday but received an injury to my neck whilst trying to be clever on a trampoline. Oooopps. Feeling much better now and looking forward to tomorrow and the auditions. The lyrics to the audition songs are now posted on the guestbook on the cast academy website, so there are no excuses!

We are also having a production meeting next week to try and start to get the ball rolling for Honk with the whole production team. So dont forget that we want your ideas too, if you think of something, however big or small PLEASE share them with us, you know how to contact us!

We have also decided to try something new which should open out our audiences to the hearing impaired. Two of my friends at work have agreed to come down and 'sign' the Panto and our show, this is something very exciting and will look very good on our profile as the academy! (Another thumbs up for us!)

Nominations are currently being received by the chairman, from the cast academy team for the student who has shown outstanding qualities since the beginning. The results will be announced tomorrow night and the winner will receive the Cast Academy Cup to hold for a year. (Unfortunately we are not allowed to nominate more than one student as I think you all deserve a medal!)

Oh well, I had better go..... I will see you all tomorrow!

This car is automatic
Its sytematic
Its hydromatic
Its Greased lightning!

Grease Soundtrack song.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting... I was searching this info for my uncle. He will be happy for such a great info. Thanks for sharing...
Buy Trampolines